The Official Author Site of

Steve Hadden

Together Apart…

Last night, after watching the news, I had a few thoughts…


It lurks in the invisible, striking without care,

And infects with ferocity, the unaware.

It takes, not gives and crushes our hearts,

And forces everyone to live apart.

But it underestimated our will, our spirit and fight,

And our unlimited capacity to care day and night.

Our helpers are fighting without a selfish thought,

For themselves, their families and who’s labeled what.

And we the many are doing our part,

Cheering silently while living apart.

And those who have left us and we who are here,

Have one thing in common in this unprecedented year.

We are all one species with a capacity to love,

Unique to earth and the heavens above.

We’ll defeat this foe with care and drug,

And one day soon we’ll again share a hug😊


…Be Well Everyone